• Baby at the End of the First Year
  • Babies Nutrition as they Grow
  • Weight and Height Related to Age
  • Vaccines
  • SimiMama Club
  • 20 Weeks Pregnant

    Can you feel that? That’s your baby moving.

    Your baby’s development

    Alive and kicking!

    Your baby’s limbs are well-developed and she’s getting used to all of her parts. In week 20, your baby is moving around and you’re feeling it.

    Measuring about 15 cm, your baby is about the length of an eggplant, and weighs about half a pound.

    Your baby’s skin thickens and develops layers under the vernix, and her hair and nails continue to grow.

    Your nutrition and health

    Eating healthy now can mean a healthy baby later.

    The right nutrition choices now can benefit your baby both in the short term and in the long term. Research shows that nutrition in utero and during childhood can play a role in your baby’s health in many ways.

    Even though you’re twentieth week of your pregnancy, you still have plenty of time to make healthy nutrition changes that can make a difference.

    Health benefits of good nutrition may include:
    • Brain and cognitive development
    • Growth and body composition
    • Metabolic programming
    • Cognitive and educational performance
    • Physical strength and immunity
    • Future risk for diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and high blood pressure
    Read more about what emerging science says about the benefits of good nutrition during pregnancy.

    Things to think about now

    Don’t forget to floss!

    Take care of your pearly whites and your gums. You are more susceptible to gingivitis (redness and swelling of the gums) while pregnant, so be consistent with brushing and flossing, and keep up with your routine dental visits.

    What happens next week?

    The digestive system kicks in.

    By your 21st week of pregnancy, your baby’s digestive system is doing its thing, and his taste buds are beginning to develop
    20 Weeks Pregnant - Your baby’s development