Still growing. Still preparing. Still in there.
At the end of thirty sixth week of pregnancy, it might give you comfort to know that the arrival is approaching quickly. Your baby is considered full term, yet he still has more growing to do. His bones are hardening, but his skull remains soft and flexible for birth.
At the end of thirty sixth week of pregnancy, it might give you comfort to know that the arrival is approaching quickly. Your baby is considered full term, yet he still has more growing to do. His bones are hardening, but his skull remains soft and flexible for birth.
Here's what else is happening:
He’s grown almost completely into his skin, which was once oversized and loose.
He now has a fully rounded face, in part because his powerful sucking muscles are now developed and ready to get to work.
During the baby development week 36, your baby probably weighs about 2.7 Kg or slightly more.